Rex the Rx Bottle

Feeling down? Ol' Rex the pill bottle Drug Buddy just might have the prescription to get you high. Remember, only take the recommended dose!
Feeling down? Ol' Rex the pill bottle Drug Buddy just might have the prescription to get you high. Remember, only take the recommended dose!
It's Buddy, the friendly marijuana Drug Buddy! With this cute weed leaf you'll be saying, "Yes, I cannabis!"
This cute magic mushroom is the perfect Drug Buddy for a nature trip! Get silly with this psilocybin shroom friend!
When you're fancy af, people need to know. Nothing says fancy like cursive so fancy non-fancy people struggle to read it.
"Take care of me or I'll kill you all," warns this cute Earth T-Shirt. You could call it a Global Warning.
Hey Kids, Wanna Buy Some Magic? Don't know if you should trust this sketchy wizard dealer.
We thought about putting more effort into this nihilism meme but eh, what's the point?
A funny saying for when your net worth is as low as your worth as a human.